Healthy Diet Plan Stock Up With Healthy Convenient Pantry Foods
Easy healthy diet plan basics include stocking up on healthy pantry foods. Im going to give you a list of some great healthy pantry foods that are essential ingredients for many healthy recipes and snacks. You may be familiar with most of these. If not, I invite you to give them a try. They are excellent healthy staple ingredients. Couscous - A great food with a funny name. The best way I can describe couscous is that it is a flavor combination of rice and pasta. It resembles tiny round balls of pasta. Couscous is a whole grain that takes on the flavor of whatever you are cooking. It cooks in minutes making it a perfect healthy pantry food. Brown rice - brown rice is a healthier version of white rice. Again, it is a whole grain and cooks in minutes making it very convenient to have on hand. It also adds variety to your meals. Whole wheat pasta - Just substitute whole wheat pasta in place of regular pasta in your favorite dishes. You will instantly have a much healthier version of your ...