How to Lose 10 Pounds in One Month or 30 Days

It is absolutely possible to lose ten pounds over the next month. It will take dedication, determination and a positive mental attitude. The following are not only the six steps for losing weight in the next thirty days, but they are also necessary to laying down the foundation that will turn into lasting results.Step One - Set a Goal and Move Immediately into ActionIn this moment, take time to set your ten pound goal. Write it out on a piece of paper and date it for 30 days from now. Writing it out is important when starting out. Keep it in your pocket at all times and read it at every chance you get. The most important part of this task is that if you always read over your goal - you will always have it in mind. Your statement should look something like the following:"I will lose 10 pounds by Dec.25/2013"Step Two - Prepare and Execute a Diet TransformationFrom a realistic point of view, we should understand that it is not so much a diet that we will be getting into as it will be an overall lifestyle change.The reason is simple; if we change our diet for the next month and choose to go back to what we consumed prior to the change, our bodies will go back to the way it was.A simple and yet very effective daily diet would be; assorted fruits for breakfast and assorted vegetables for both lunch and dinner. If you want that extra protein kick in animal form, keep it to a minimum and only allow three to four ounces of freshly cooked fish. You can also snack on nuts and fruit when feeling a bit hungry in between meal times. Limit the portions of each snack to a handful only.Your new way of eating should not consist of processed foods (including fast food, preserved foods, and other man packaged products), sugar, saturated and Trans fats, and all cooking oil. Also eliminate soft drinks and concentrated fruit juices completely and drink only water.Step Three - Get Physical DailyMake time to go for a 45 to 60 minute walk daily without "days off" in between. You can also fit in a natural weight resistance program prior to walking to step it up a notch. The best combination of physical activity for weight loss is a cardiovascular routine (walking, brisk walking, jogging) and a weight resistance routine (push ups, chins, crunches).There are also other ways you can keep physically active on a daily basis that requires no extra time out of your pocket. When you go for groceries or to the mall, you can park at the far end of parking lot and walk. You can put more effort in cleaning the house on a daily basis. You could also find yard work around the home is you have your own residence. There are so many ways to be naturally active. All we have to do is open our mind to the opportunities.Step Four - Get Proper RestSleep is a very important time for everyone. Sleep helps rejuvenate the soul, repairs damaged body tissue, and lowers stress levels. Its important to get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night. Another source of rest can be doing something you enjoy doing. It could be a hobby like reading a good book or even meditation if you enjoy that. When we engage in something that is relaxing and joyful it also helps eliminate stress.Step Five - Clean Your InsidesOkay, so it does not sound like an appetizing job, but this step is also important to help aid weight loss. By keeping your intestinal tract clean, it enables your body to extract the essential nutrients that you need. It will also help keep constipation out of the way!To do this you can add fiber rich foods in your daily diet. Foods that are high in fiber and packed full of nutrients are; apples, oranges, berries, beans, dark leafy greens. Mother Nature provides the best variety of natural foods and we should absolutely accept them.Step Six - Eliminate Bad HabitsIf you smoke to the point where its difficult to go for a walk, then its time to cut back or quit. Smoking should not get in the way of your health. If you spot any other bad habit that you believe is getting in your way of a healthy success - eliminate it. You can do this by replacing the bad habit with a good habit.We are all habitual beings and no one is an exception. We have the ability to choose and mold a new habit at any given time. When we create new habits by reinforcing the new habit over and over again - we can keep it for life. Once a new habit is fully formed it is set on autopilot, meaning we dont have to attend to that specific habit anymore and we can reap better results daily.
To receive your Free Guide, please go to: Nagamori is a Weight Loss Coach with over a decade worth of experience in health and well-being.
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