Which Weight Loss Tips Should You Believe

Ive been thinking about doing some writing but as I guess is a problem for a lot of writers, I was having a hard time coming up with a topic.
Then, I just started thinking about the most common questions I get from friends and my personal training and nutrition coaching clients here in Denver. It seems everyone I meet wants to lose 5-50 pounds and nobody really knows exactly how to do it. Its all about calories in vs. calories used but Ill talk more about that another time.
Right now, I want to talk about what I think is the most important component to losing weight. Eat foods in their natural state and stop eating processed "diet" foods. Fat free, sugar-free, low-fat and light foods have to get their flavor from somewhere, right? Do you know where they get it from? CHEMICALS. Yep, thats right... look at the labels. Those chemicals are definitely doing you more harm than the substances they are replacing. Just look at the list of ingredients and see how many there are that you either can non pronounce or dont know what they are. Most, if not all of those are chemicals and additives to add flavor.
Have a piece of fruit and some nuts for a snack. Fresh fruits and berries are loaded with vitamins and will also satisfy your craving for sweets. Make some hummus and slice up some veggies (Need a hummus recipe? Just ask). Try to eat as many different colors of veggies as you can. The more colorful your food, the more appetizing it is... plus, youll get a bigger variety of nutrients from it. Make enough for dinner that you have some leftovers to use as a snack, lunch or another meal.
Youll be surprised by how satisfied you feel after eating a reasonable portion of food in their natural state... they are so much more satisfying than the ones loaded with chemicals. Make a smoothie with a good quality, low sugar protein powder, some ground flax, milk of your choice and some fresh or frozen fruit. You can even add some fresh spinach and youll get some vitamins K, A, E, C and even some Bs! You will soon see that by cutting out processed foods, you will start to feel better, your skin will look more healthy and you will feel more alert!
Whatever you choose, please think about ditching those processed foods.
Committed to your health,
Deb Klafter
Deb Klafter
Certified Personal Trainer
Nutrition Coach
Certified TRX Suspension Trainer
I have a passion for teaching people about health and fitness by demonstrating easy changes to make to your eating and fun and easy choices to fit in movement throughout your day. Please check out the Small Group Fit Club schedule at the above link and let me know when youd like to start your free week!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Deborah_Klafter


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